2A Newsletter: Week of June 30th
Why is the IRS gearing up for war?
Photo Source: IRS
The Internal Revenue Service's recent militarization is a serious concern. The agency, traditionally responsible for tax collection, is arming itself in ways reminiscent of our favorite Government Weapon, the ATF. A bill aptly named"Why does the IRS Have Guns Act" is currently circulating, seeking to halt this before more damage can be done.
Introduced by Senator Joni Ernst, this bill proposes transferring all IRS firearms to the General Services Administration to be auctioned off. The purpose? Reduce the national debt and reassign the IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division to the Justice Department.
The IRS's militarization has escalated under the current administration. According to OpenTheBooks.com, the agency has spent $10 million on weapons and tactical gear since the pandemic started. Recent IRS job postings have even stated that special agents must be willing to use deadly force.
The IRS's purchases include military-grade equipment like night vision rifle scopes and HK416 rifles. Who are they so afraid of that they need to gear up to this degree? Could it be gun owners and the hard working small business owners who help responsible Americans utilize the Second Amendment? We saw how this could go after the debacle in Montana we talked about last week. A combined task force of IRS and ATF agents conducted an “audit” of a gun dealer under the guise tax fraud only to take thousands of form 4473’s.
The government could potentially conduct raids as they see fit, without the need for congressional oversight. These agencies are not law enforcement and have absolutely zero right to do what they’ve been doing. It has to stop and a phenomenal first step comes with the "Why does the IRS Have Guns Act".
Quotes of Biden Being Stupid
It’s funny that at least Biden admits in this tweet that we do in fact have immunity from arbitrary and egregious civil lawsuits regarding liability (as many companies across a wide variety of industries do). Photo Source: Twitter
It is hard to respect the Presidential Office, these days especially, when he seems to have no limitations of preposterous sounds that leave his mouth. Why should he be allowed to get away with them? On a positive note, he has made his game plan extremely clear (on multiple occasions) so we should be preparing to fight back accordingly.
Just last Friday, Biden was in Connecticut giving a speech to the public about gun control where he ended it with "God save the queen man." Sir, Queen Elizabeth II has been dead for 9 months to this day. She's probably with God by now. As for his usual anti-2A rhetoric, we should still take those antics seriously:
- "So I set out to take as much executive action — that's a fancy word of saying: What can I do as President on my own? Executive action that made it illegal to manufacture so-called "ghost guns." I just signed that, and I said that. It's being challenged in court, but so far, it matters."
- "It made it harder for people to buy stabilized brief — braces. Put a pistol on a brace, and it ma- —turns into a gun. Makes them where you can have a higher-caliber weapon — a higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun. It's essentially turning it into a short-barreled rifle."
All told, we've taken more executive action to reduce gun violence than any of my predecessors — probably than all my predecessors. They're being challenged in court, but so far, so good. (Followed by laughter)
- Folks, it's time once again that we banned AR-15 rifle style weapon. High-capacity magazines — they're not only a weapon of war, they're the single biggest driver of profits for the gun industry. That's why they're selling them. Profit, profit, profit.
- We need to end immunity for the gun manufacturers. We've got to hold them accountable. And it's time we establish universal background checks and require safe storage of firearms.
- Since 2021, seven states have passed an increase in 'accountability' for gun — the gun industry."
- We will ban assault weapons in this country. We will ban multi-round magazines. We will hold gunmakers liable. We will beat the gun industry. We will beat big money that sits behind them and the politicians who refuse to stand up and act. It won't be easy. I have no illusions about how fiercely they'll fight back, but I also have no illusions about the people in this room.
Anti-gun states ban together to push Increased Excise Tax Bill for AR lowers
Photo Source: Presslab via Shutterstock
In a classic display of "stick together" tactics, anti-gun states have concocted yet another scheme to make owning and enjoying firearms more of a financial burden for us all. They've set their sights on AR lowers, proposing an Increased Excise Tax Bill H.R 4283
The creative minds behind this financial fiasco have given it the misleadingly noble title, "The Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act." Its goal is simple: bleed more money from commercial gun sales to pad the pockets of the anti-gun agenda.
The brains of the operation, U.S. Rep. Davis, has given us a glimpse into the plan. The bill will increase the existing Pittman-Robertson Act excise tax by a seemingly harmless "half a percent." But the real kicker comes with the application of this tax to assault-weapon frames and receivers. Currently, these components escape taxation if sold separately, but under this new law, they'll face the taxman too. The cost, of course, will be handed down to you and me.
This unwelcome initiative has garnered support from the usual suspects of the gun control brigade: Brady, Everytown, Giffords, and more. With H.R.4283 now navigating its way through various House committees, it's a clear sign that our Second Amendment rights are under siege yet again.
It's a reminder to us all to stay vigilant, be aware, and push back against these thinly-veiled attempts to chip away at our rights and empty our wallets in the process. Second Amendment Foundation ( SAF), Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) have been hard at work fighting for your rights but cant do it without you. Educate yourself and others and help us keep our rights.
Brandon Herrera Testifies on ATF Overreach
Photo Source: The AK Guy via Twitter
ATF overreach is not just some slogan or pro-2A buzzword everyone in the gun industry is using to pander to our customers and the gun community. It's the truth of what has been happening for decades ever since the ATF was created.
This week, our very own Brandon Herrera, (also known as The AK Guy, prolific Gun-Tuber on YouTube, etc.) testified in Congress (a Congressional Field Hearing specifically) to speak on this subject. He's not the only one sounding the alarm for the public.
Even an older Louisiana Senator has recently and publicly condemned the ATF pistol brace rule. While he missed a few key points he hit most of the important ones. Definitely give both of these videos a watch. We need to stop allowing lies to be portrayed as truths. That lie being the ATF having the right to regulate gun industry in the illegal ways that they have been for years.
In Other 2A News
- Ever wonder how many times Biden has lied about guns? SAF counted for us.
- Still a fan of the NRA? We urge you to reconsider.
Do you find it overwhelming, having to keep up with all the news surrounding guns and your right to own or build them? That’s what we’re here for. Obviously, we’re slightly biased but we do the digging and research across both sides of the aisle to bring you the most holistic and accurate information so that you don’t have to! Sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned and for regular updates if you haven’t already.
Have topics you would like to see us touch on or any feedback for us? Make sure to leave a comment below! We want to make sure we are putting out news relevant to our customers, and what you want to hear! Knowledge is power, and the more informed we all are about what's going on with our rights, the more effectively we can fight back.