cc-settings-icon BUILD AT HOME
80% Arms sells AR-15 and .308 80% Lower Receivers, 80% Lower Jigs and other accessories which allow you to legally build a firearm at home in most states.
We utilize state of the art 5-axis CNC machines to mill all our .308 and AR-15 80 percent lower receivers to incredibly precise tolerances using premium billet aluminum.
We also offer our patented AR-15 and .308 Easy Jigs® which is the first 80% lower jig that makes it ridiculously easy for a non-machinist to finish their 80% lower in under 1 hour with no drill press required.
Products manufactured by 80% Arms carry a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects. We will promptly replace or repair any product that we determine to be defective.
2A Newsletter Week of June 21st thumbnail image

2A Newsletter Week of June 21st

80 Percent Arms   |   Jun 20th 2024

Photo Source: Shutterstock via Lev Radin

Kamala Harris Leads Push for Stricter Gun Control Measures Ahead of 2024 Election

As the 2024 election approaches, Vice President Kamala Harris is spearheading an aggressive push to impose restrictive measures on our constitutional freedoms. Alongside Assistant Secretary Miriam Delphin-Ritman, Harris is championing policies that could severely limit our rights.

At a recent event hosted by the Rocket Foundation, Vice President Harris made her intentions clear. She reiterated her support for universal background checks and an assault weapons ban. These proposals, while presented as solutions to gun violence, are thinly veiled attempts to erode our constitutional rights. Make no mistake, this is a direct attack on responsible gun owners like you.

Vice President Harris called for the banning of so-called "assault weapons," disregarding their use by law-abiding citizens for self-defense and sporting purposes.The push for universal background checks is a stepping stone to a national gun registry, which could pave the way for future confiscation.While Assistant Secretary Delphin-Ritman discussed expanding mental health services, these initiatives are often used to justify broader gun control measures.

This push for stricter gun control is part of a broader strategy by the Biden administration. President Joe Biden has amplified his efforts for new gun restrictions, highlighted in a recent 30-second ad where he criticized former President Donald Trump’s gun policies. Biden touted his administration's achievements, such as expanded background checks and the creation of an office of gun violence prevention. “When Trump was president—children gunned down in classrooms, innocent people killed in church and massacred at a concert. Still, Trump did nothing,” Biden says in the ad. “He sided with the NRA, but I sided with you. I’ve expanded background checks, created an office of gun violence prevention, and now murder rates are down.”

The Biden administration's relentless pursuit of gun control is not without significant opposition. In swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, where the electorate is sharply divided, the gun debate is particularly pronounced. Candidates are tailoring their messages to resonate with local concerns, often reflecting the urban-rural divide. Urban areas, which tend to favor stricter gun control, contrast sharply with rural regions where gun ownership is more deeply ingrained in the culture and lifestyle.

In Michigan, legislators are considering at least half a dozen gun bills that would create storage requirements and establish gun-free zones. In Pennsylvania, lawmakers are debating measures that would ban sales of untraceable guns and gun parts, prohibit bump stocks, and make some procedural changes related to gun purchases. Meanwhile, Republican legislators in Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina have sought to make it easier for people to procure guns and to carry them in more places.

Polling data indicates that voters in these swing states are paying close attention to candidates' positions on gun rights and gun control, with many considering it a key issue in their decision-making process. This heightened focus is driving both sides to intensify their efforts, with significant spending on advertising, grassroots mobilization, and public appearances.

The stakes are high, and the outcome of these debates could significantly impact the legislative landscape concerning firearms in the United States. As November draws nearer, expect to see more opposition, as both sides aim to secure a decisive advantage in this critical electoral battle.

What You Can Do:

Stay Informed: Follow FPC and other pro-Second Amendment organizations to stay updated on the latest threats to our rights.

Take Action: Contact your representatives and let them know that you oppose any legislation that infringes upon your right to bear arms.

Support Pro-2A Businesses: By purchasing from companies like 80% Arms, you support businesses that stand with you in defense of your rights. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality 80 lowers to build your firearms. This is about preserving your freedom and your right to self-reliance. Now is the time to stand up and be heard. Call your representatives at (202) 224-3121. We cannot afford to stand idly by as our rights are stripped away.

Photo Source: Shutterstock via JHVVEPhoto

Disney’s Removal of Shootin’ Arcade Attraction Sparks Outrage

In a stunning move that underscores the erosion of American values, Disney has decided to remove the beloved Frontierland Shootin' Arcade from its parks. This iconic shooting gallery, which has entertained generations of responsible families, is the latest casualty in the ongoing cultural assault on gun-related activities and Second Amendment rights.

The Frontierland Shootin' Exposition has been a staple at Disney parks for decades, offering guests a safe and fun way to experience the skill and tradition of marksmanship. However, Disney’s decision to dismantle this attraction has left many fans outraged and bewildered. The park’s executives claim this change is part of an effort to modernize and promote a safer environment, but this decision is an attack on the rich heritage of responsible gun ownership and American history.

This removal is not just about losing a fun activity; it’s about a broader issue of demonizing and erasing any association with firearms, even in a harmless, historical, and recreational context. By removing the Shootin' Arcade, Disney is sending a message that aligns with the anti-gun agenda, which unfairly targets lawful gun owners and enthusiasts.

The Frontierland Shootin' Exposition was more than just an attraction; it was a celebration of American frontier history and the tradition of responsible marksmanship. Removing a safe, supervised shooting gallery does nothing to improve safety. It instead promotes a false narrative that all gun-related activities are inherently dangerous. This decision reflects a troubling trend of vilifying firearms and those who respect and lawfully use them, contributing to the erosion of our Second Amendment rights.

Disney's removal of the Shootin' Exposition directly contradicts our cultural values and constitutional rights.

What You Can Do:

  • Voice Your Opinion:Contact Disney and express your dissatisfaction with removing the Shootin' Arcade.
  • Stay Informed: Follow pro-Second Amendment organizations to stay updated on the latest developments and threats to our rights.
  • Support Pro-2A Businesses: Support companies that respect and uphold our constitutional freedoms.

We need to remain proactive in defending our heritage and rights. Let's make our voices heard and ensure that our values are not erased from public spaces.

Photo Source: Shutterstock via Lee Nanjoo

New Anti-Gun Legislation Pushes for Total Destruction of Firearms

In a continued effort to expand government control over firearms, U.S. Rep. Jill Tokuda, D-Hawaii, has introduced new legislation targeting the secondary “zombie gun” market. The proposed bill, known as the Restoring Trust in Public Safety Act, is another step in the assault on our Second Amendment rights.

The Restoring Trust in Public Safety Act aims to establish a $15 million grant program to help state, tribal, and local governments, along with law enforcement agencies, purchase equipment, hire staff, and conduct training to ensure the safe and complete destruction of firearms and firearm parts. Currently, only a single piece of a firearm, such as the receiver or frame, needs to be destroyed for the firearm to be considered legally disposed of. Private companies like Gun Busters have utilized this loophole to sell the remaining functional parts as build-it-yourself kits, contributing to the creation of untraceable “ghost” guns.

Rep. Tokuda’s legislation is designed to stop this practice, mandating the complete destruction of all firearm parts. She argues that this will help reduce the number of guns on the streets and prevent gun disposal companies from profiting off firearm recycling.

In March, Tokuda co-sponsored the Destroy Zombie Guns Act, which also sought to enforce the total destruction of firearms rather than just a single component.

What This Means for You: This bill represents yet another governmental overreach, under the guise of public safety, that threatens to infringe upon our Second Amendment rights. By targeting the secondary market and pushing for the complete destruction of firearms, this legislation undermines responsible gun ownership and the lawful recycling of firearm parts.

Why This Matters:

  • The bill would disrupt legitimate businesses that operate within the bounds of the current law, potentially leading to job losses and economic downturn in the firearms industry.
  • This legislation is a direct attack on our rights as gun owners, seeking to eliminate the possibility of reusing functional firearm parts and pushing for total destruction instead.
  • The proposed grant program is another example of the government using taxpayer dollars to fund anti-gun initiatives that further erode our constitutional freedoms.

Follow pro-Second Amendment organizations like the Firearms Policy Coalition to stay updated on the latest threats to our rights and contact your representatives to express your opposition to the Restoring Trust in Public Safety Act and similar legislation. Also, be sure to continue to support companies that stand by our constitutional rights and provide products that enable responsible gun ownership.

We must remain vigilant and proactive in defending our freedoms against these ongoing legislative attacks. Now is the time to unite and push back against measures that seek to dismantle our Second Amendment rights.